Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Help

I must be the only person who hasn't read or seen "The Help." I am getting ready to start the book today. Here is a photo from 1953 of me, age 2 and Essie. I don't have any memory of this...except when I first found this photo in a pile several years ago, I just cried and cried. I don't know why. All I know is I loved Essie. She has such a kind look on her face. I love the way she is holding my hand. I love the way I am loking up at her. I wish I knew where she was now. I would love to get to know her.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I have been trying my hand at painting and re-purposing furniture...some for my own use and some to sell. I just finished a cute little vintage bench I found at Club GW. I t was a dark walnut with a mauve striped cushion. I used Annie Sloan paints. If you haven't tried her paint yet, you MUST. It is so easy to use and so versatile. You don't need to sand or prime! First, I painted several coats of "Emperor Silk" (red)...then followed it with one coat of "Graphite"...waxed and lightly sanded. I recovered the cushion with some leftover "rooster" fabric I hand around the house. I think it looks pretty good and am taking up to my shop today.

Here is another example of a table I also found At Club GW. I painted this one using Annie Sloan "Old Ochre." I sanded it when done. I took it to the shop and it has sold.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Welcome, Baby!

Thad is here! What a sweet little boy! I pulled out an old photo of Jennifer at the same age and he looks just like her! I kept saying that he did...I don't think anyone believed me, but when we all looked at the photo, there was no denying it. There is nothing like rocking a brand new baby. I could just sit and rock him all day!
I spent 2 weeks up in Nashville helping out and had a wonderful,

tho exhausting, time. We had a couple of chances to sneak in a few fun activities...tea with Jen and Kate, Farmer's Market and The Factory with Nathan and Kate, Franklin with Jen and Pen, Library storytime with the girls...Nathan cooked us a special Valentine's Dinner and brought home designer cupcakes and roses for Jen...we all made handmade Valentines for each other which I will always snowed twice...and the day we left for home it was in the 70's! I was able to help Jennifer take down the Christmas decorations, unpack some boxes, organize, clean house, do laundry and help with the girls...

We had our share of sickness - the girls got URI and ear infections, Thad's circumcision got infected, I got bronchitis and Nathan got sick. Only Jennifer remained germ-free! So, we had several doctor's visits.

Watercoloring, coloring, playdoughing after breakfast. Then make-up and nails. How Kate does LOVE her lipstick! She's a girly girl! I watched Jen's old home videos with Kate and then later with Jen and Nathan. It shed so much light on Kate's personality! Kate and I watched the Wizard of Oz. What a special time - I will always keep that memory close to my heart!

I got to see where Kate takes ballet...her school...and we also had a fun afternoon at the BEST TJ Maxx/Homegoods I have ever been in!

N, J and I had some very good conversations...and I will always treasure those two weeks. I learned a lot about each one of them as well as was a good visit and I look forward to many, many more.

We drove back to Jax...all 6 of us in the took 14 hours - what a ride!! While here Thad slept in a drawer from Jennifer's childhood dresser. Did she ever imagine, as a teen, that one day her baby would sleep in her pajama drawer?!

They were here 2 days...and when they rolled out of the drive for Tampa, I cried all afternoon. I miss them desperately. I love them so much. Can't wait to visit again...