Saturday, May 20, 2006

Kate's Here!!!

Kate was born May 19, 2006 at 9:22pm
She weighs 6 lbs. 10 oz. and is 19 1/2 inches long.
Mother and daugter are doing fine.
Nathan, Jay and I were in the delivery room and it was an awesome thing to witness.
She is so precious and so beautiful.
Will post photos when I get them from Jen's camera.
I am just overwhelmed with emotions right now - what a day!
Will post more later - gotta go see Kate!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Kate is Coming!!!

Jennifer is in labor! She called early this am...went to the hospital about 3pm. They checked her out, didn't admit her yet and have her walking the parking lot to speed it along. I am sitting here waiting for word that it is time to head over the hospital. I am so excited I can't eat - that's not a bad thing!All day I have been praying for them off and on...every time the telephone rings I jump! Will write more once she's here.
I'm gonna be a grandma! My baby is going to be a mother!
Whohoo!!! God is good! All the time!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Waiting for Kate

Thinking about could be any day now. I cannot wait to meet her. Praying for Jennifer and her - for health, and a safe, easy delivery. It takes me back to my own labor and delivery. With the first, you have no idea what is about to happen - the change in your life that is enormous - the love that seems to come out of nowhere and consumes you. It is a love like no other - mother for child. It is a good life.
Hurry, Kate...we are all waiting for you!


With the soon arrival of the first grandchild, I thought I would try my hand at "blogging" and leave a trace of me, Granny-Ma GiGi and my life and my thoughts... for her and future generations...Since I love genealogy and "looking back," it is only fitting that I "look forward," too. Maybe one day, a great-great-great-great grand-child will have inherited my inquisitive, investigative gene and want to know something about her ancestral past. So, for him or her, I leave a trace...