Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Waiting for Kate

Thinking about could be any day now. I cannot wait to meet her. Praying for Jennifer and her - for health, and a safe, easy delivery. It takes me back to my own labor and delivery. With the first, you have no idea what is about to happen - the change in your life that is enormous - the love that seems to come out of nowhere and consumes you. It is a love like no other - mother for child. It is a good life.
Hurry, Kate...we are all waiting for you!

I don't know if anyone could explain it to you. You must experience it...and it knocks your socks off. Your lives are never the same. Before it was about you and your you are three...and this tiny little person becomes the center of your focus...and you wonder how you ever lived without her...As the soon-to-be mother awaits, she is filled with so many, fear, self-doubt...Am I ready? Do I have what it takes? And, yes, you can and yes, you are. I think women are programmed with a "mommy" gene that kicks in as soon as you hold that precious bundle...and suddenly you would walk thru fire for anything to protect her...and that love...that love you can't explain because you never knew it before...yes, it's a transition and yes, you don't sleep for about 3 months...but you will realize in later years, that really was such a short time...and time, it passes so fast as they grow...and it was all worth it...all the sleepless nights, the labor & delivery, the morning sickness...because in your arms is a new life - the product of your love for each other -an arrow you shoot into the future...God's gift to you because He loves you so much, He wanted you to experience that love of a Father/Mother for their child...This morning I am filled with such happiness and excitement. Thankful for my own precious daughter...thankful for her godly husband...thankful for my granddaughter about to be born...thankful for God's love for me as Father and is a good day.

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