Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ripped apart

I have been ministering to a couple of ladies at church going through divorce and my heart breaks for them watching the pain they are going through, having gone thru it myself not so long ago. . I read a quote the other day and it describes the pain of divorce in such a clear way: "Divorce is like trying to pull apart two pieces of paper which have been glued together for years and years. It's impossible to this without tearing them both apart." It's what Jesus talks about in Mark - "the two becoming one flesh - what God has joined together, let no man rip apart."

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I'm baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!

I have been SO busy for the past month.

Recovered from the bronchitis - however, the asthma is still hanging on. Am still using the inhaler off and on, so I guess I will have to see the allergist and find out what is going on. I have never had asthma before now.

Jen and I went to the Miami Mart the first of October. It was different as we took Baby Kate for the first time. I think we have decided to fly in the future and probably will do Atlanta from now on instead.

I spent the next two weeks getting ready for the Open House. The entire house is decorated for Christmas! We had 8 vendors here this past weekend and everyone had a really good time.

Two weekends ago I went on the "Ropes Challenge" Facilitator Retreat at Lake Yale. What an awesome experience. I will blog more about it later.

So now things have slowed down and I am going to chill for a bit. Since I am ready for the Holidays I am going to finish wrapping my gifts and baking. Also I have a lot of books to I am just going to sit by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate, look at my Christmas lights and listen to carols! And it's only October!!!

Thanks to all the young women in the BF class I taught yesterday - you were so supportive - it was an awesome experience! God is stretching me and it is fascinating to see what He is doing!

Will write more later - I am still playing catch-up from the past weekend.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Little Angel

I babysat twice today!!! WooHoo!
We had so much fun...Kate is adorable and just a little angel!

Psalm 128:6"May you live to enjoy your grandchildren..."

Am I enjoying Kate!!!