Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fearfully & wonderfully made

We went Monday to the Bodies exhibit at MOSI. It absolutely left me in awe.
"I am fearfully and wonderfully made!"
I came home and re-read Psalm 139. After viewing this exhibit, I was overcome with emotion. To see the intricacy and interworking of all the systems of the human body, only affirms my belief that an Almighty God created man - the creative genius of the human body could not have just evolved from a "big bang.""God did form my inward parts! He did weave me in my mother's womb! My frame was not hidden from Him when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought. His eyes did see my unformed substance and in His books are written all the days He has ordained for me!"

Psalm 139 has a history of special meaning for me. In my past, God really ministered to me through this Psalm. I was conceived when my parents were not married. As a young adult I had found out that my father had wanted my mother to have an abortion. I am so thankful for a godly remnant of family who stepped up and intervened. But I know more than that that God Himself reached down His mighty Hand and saved me while I was just an embryo. He showed me through this example in my life, that He IS in control. I had absolutely no control - I was just a zygote. But He knew the days He had ordained for me - He knew the plan He had for my life and He, and He alone, saved me for His purpose and His glory. When I think of that instance and several more in my life when I almost died...and how He saved me and kept me and had His Hand on my life, I am humbled and in awe of a God who loves me so much. He planned me...He thought of me! He created me...He has a plan for my life...He ordained all the days of my life...He has my name inscribed on His palms and His heart...His Word says He knows my name and He knows how many hairs are on my head!!!
To see the female body the other day - the uterus deep within the body of the mother - and to then see the tiny embryo, SO small...and to KNOW that I KNOW I was that tiny embryo being "formed" by God deep in my mother's body and that He was protecting me and that no-thing or no-one could harm me brought me to my knees. Another Psalm that God has given me regarding my creation and His protection is Psalm 91 He delivered me from the snare of the trapper! He covered me with His wings. He promises me "no evil will befall me and no plague will come near my tent!" He tells me His angels will bear me up! He has set me securely on high because I know His name! I can call on Him and He will answer - He will be with me in trouble - He will rescue me!
Psalm 71:6 tells me "by You I have been sustained from birth - You are He who took me from my mother's womb!"
Psalm 68: 20 says "God is to us a God of deliverances; and to God the Lord belong escapes from death!!!"
So many other Psalms continue: "You rescued me from a violent man...You delivered me from a strong enemy...Your right Hand upholds me..." "The Lord is for me; what can man do to me?!"
I am also in awe not only of the physical creation of man, but the interdependence of our body, mind and soul.
I see in Psalm 139, where David addresses not only our physicality...but also our thoughts..and our soul. "Search me O God and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way."
Not only did He create me and save me, He wants me to have "abundant life" - a life that is emotionally and spiritually healthy here and now. And so we are continually being refined and conformed into His image.
What an awesome God that created me and has kept me and continues to do a good work in me.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I love Him so much!

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