Thursday, December 28, 2006

What a Merry Christmas!

What a merry Christmas we had. Having precious baby Kate with us this year made it so special and blessed. What a sweet, precious little baby and she is such a good little baby. Always happy and smiling - only cranky when she is tired or hungry - just like her mama used to be. Nathan, Jen & Kate spent Christmas Eve night here...we opened some gifts Christmas Eve, then opened the rest Christmas morning.
Although Kate really didn't know exactly what was going on, she knew something exciting was happening...and she was just so excited and happy! We made bacon and eggs...and just opened gifts and relaxed...played some games and hung out. Later that afternoon, we went and picked up Aunt Rhon to join us and Janice and the Sisco's came over, too. We honored out Tampa roots by having pork, black beans and yellow rice, and platanos, a big salad and pumpkin cheesecake for dessert. We opened gifts and laughed and talked - Kate right in the middle of all the goings on - just laughing and squealing with delight. After, we all played dominoes and had such a fun time. God has truly blessed me with a wonderful son-in-law, special daughter and now a precious granddaughter....wonderful friends...good health...and His protection and provision. I wish you all a New Year filled with God's richest blessings. And my prayer in 2007 is that you will seek Him first and foremost - that you will make really knowing Him and obeying Him your top priority. He is standing at the door like a gentleman, knocking, waiting for you to invite Him in.

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