Thursday, July 19, 2007

Good News...Sad News...

I cannot believe I haven't written for six months. I have been busy with the Baby Kate...babysitting a lot, which of course, I love.

First of all, the good news...thank you to all of you faithfully prayed for me and my surgery and the results. Went to see Dr. Levine today for a follow-up and my test results were benign! PTL!

Bad half-brother Donald (72) who lived in Brunswick, GA, died July 17. I am so glad we were able to reunite in the past couple of years and spend time talking and sharing. His wife shared with me yesterday that he was saved, so I rejoice that we will see each other again one day in Heaven. I like to imagine him today, talking and laughing with Mama, Grandma and Jean - what a reunion that must be!

Also, my old friend Linda Copper died yesterday. She had suffered for so long with cancer. I was glad to hear that her son was with her when she passed. Her emails in the last year or so have been so encouraging to me - what a woman of faith she was.

Events like these two make you just pause and think about how short life really is...may we not waste a minute of the precious time God has allotted each of us.

Below I share an email that came today. Linda Copper had written it before she died to be sent after her passing:

Aloha Dear Friends,
If you are reading this email, it is because I have been "EMBRACED BY THE LIGHT". God's Love and Light have been so strong. His Radiance is AWESOME!! I love each of you and have GREATLY appreciated our relationship. My life journey has been a WONDERFUL adventure, and each of you have played a part. I love the quote "You make a living out of what you get but you make a life out of what you give" :-). I also like this one " the most powerful possession you have is your influence" :-)
"Live, Chang & Grow :-)"
"Never put possessions above people."
"Sometimes the most important things in life are not the most urgent"
"Enjoy who you are with while you are with them, where you are while you are there and what you are doing while you are doing it"!
Some of these are "mine" and some I have heard or read.
Never let "fear" control you. Fear and Faith can not reside in the same place, if you have one you do not have the other.
The longer I live the more I realize how little is in my control. The ONLY things in my control are my decisions, my attitudes, my reactions. I can not control anyone else. Influence perhaps :)???
Things that are out of my control are NOT out of God's control. I can chose to have fear & worry or I can choose to GIVE it to The Lord in Prayer. It is MY choice :-)
I have fought the good fight and I have NO fear, only PEACE AND JOY, Gratitude and Love. I have done EVERYTHING that I came here to do and I am at PEACE. I am excited about the NEXT adventure. My spirit is alive and well and very connected to THE Ultimate I AM.
Anyone who does not "believe" in God ---just doesn't "know" Him yet, they haven't "met" Him. Once you "KNOW" Him .....believing is insignificant!!
I am ALIVE and I will see you on the "flip-side"
Much Love and Blessings,

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