Thursday, June 19, 2008

Train Up a Child

You haven't heard from latley because I have been really busy! I have been babysitting Kate for the past week; her mom and dad will be home tomorrow night from a week at a middle school camp in TN where Nathan has been leading the worship; Kate has spent the past 8 days at Camp GiGi's. We have had fun, but I know why we have kids when we are young! I am pooped. The arthritis in my hands has flared up from lifting her in and out of the tub, hi chair and crib. But she is such a joy and a blessing. I have been reminded so many times this week about the verse that says "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Her nite-nite ritual that she shares with her mom and dad and with her GiGi is to rock and sing and pray. She knows all the words to "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus," "Great is Thy Faithfulness," "Jesus Loves Me," and others. It is so precious to hear her singing along with me. We pray and when I say "In Jesus' Name," she then says "Amen." And she always says "God bless Emma, Molly, Baby Jack, Miss Autumn, Mr. Dan, Mommie & Daddy, Mickey (Mouse), and Alex." She folds her little, tiny hands and says the grace over our meals.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My times really are in His loving Hands

I awoke this morning to a new future. And, tho, it is uncertain...and tho, the enemy wants to get me tangled up in fear over HOW I going to make it financially...I KNOW that I know...GOD IS IN CONTROL. If there is one lesson He has been trying to get across to me my entire life it is simply and only that: GOD IS IN CONTROL. I have fought Him on this for most of my life. I have moments when I am victorious in my grasp of this truth...and then, in a moment I can forget it and allow a circumstance to send me plummeting into doubt, and defeat and despair. That's why is it SO important to continually be saturating our minds with the Truth of God's when those times of fear and doubt come, we can call on what we KNOW to be true and replace that stinking thinking with God's Truth.

Monday, June 09, 2008

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free."

I wrote this in July 2005 and it was read to women in Romania by members of IBC on a mission trip there:

"In Beth Moore’s book Breaking Free she talks about hearts broken by abuse, hearts broken by death and hearts broken by betrayal. Yes, my heart has been broken - I have experienced all three – abuse, death and betrayal. But, as God has said in His Word, He has “caused them all to work together for my good.”

God blessed me with a godly line of women in my family – especially my grandmother, great-aunts, granny, mother and other ladies in our church - I call them my “women of faith,” who knew and loved the Lord, who taught me about Jesus and PRAYED for me. Because of their influence and their prayers, I was saved at five years old and grew up in the church. And, I know their continued prayers kept me all the years that have followed.

What does love look like?

When I was in counseling, my counselor had me write about "what does love look like in a marriage?" I was going through my computer files and re-reading some of my journaling and as I re-read this one, it hit me that this is what Christ's love for me looks like; as a friend told me shortly after my divorce, Jesus - HE is your Husband!

God does answer our prayers

God answers prayer! He hears us when we call out to Him. When we petition and plead, ("the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth MUCH!") when we come before Him with praise and thanksgiving ("enter into His gates with thanksgiving in your heart and give Him praise,") How awesome that the God of the Universe listens when I cry out to Him.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

God Speaking

This is the song! Thank you, Jan Porter! Click on title to hear it sung by Mandisa on YouTube:

Friday, June 06, 2008

Only God can hold me together!

It's been a year since I blogged...I can't believe it has been that long. So much has been going on in my life in a year. I don't know where to begin. I think rather than going back and recapping, I will just start with today...and blog forward and write about this past year as it is relevant.

I have been dealing with a lot of stress lately and yesterday God gave me a song on the radio. I have been googling for a while trying to find the name of it and having no luck. But it was about what if everything I am going thru is God trying to say "I love you." I was driving down the interstate listening to this song, crying so hard I couldn't see...and when the song ended, the most incredible thing happened, definitely a God thing...I passed a billboard that said in big red letters, "Jesus loves you." Ok, is that not just like God? HOW can anyone say God does not speak to us today. Later that night, I got an email from Paige with this link : Laminin by Louie Giglio.