Monday, June 09, 2008

What does love look like?

When I was in counseling, my counselor had me write about "what does love look like in a marriage?" I was going through my computer files and re-reading some of my journaling and as I re-read this one, it hit me that this is what Christ's love for me looks like; as a friend told me shortly after my divorce, Jesus - HE is your Husband!

What does love look like in a marriage?

It makes me feel safe.

I am not afraid.

I have someone next to me… to protect me – to guide me – to encourage me – to cover me – to listen to me – to hear me – to talk to me – to pray with me – to dream with me – to play with me – to dance with me – to hold me – to walk with me – to celebrate with me – to mourn with me -

to be there… when I am sick – when I am afraid – when I am sad – when I am angry – when I am happy – when I laugh – when I cry – when I lose my way – when I screw up – when I am successful –

to be there – to ALWAYS be there…

It doesn’t matter how bad I am or how much I screw up or how much I might kick and scream and push the other away – the other stays and fights for me and for us and shows me the way – to make it better and ok and all right – to slay the dragons and kill the monsters under the bed – and to shed light on all the dark places – to keep me safe

It is a refuge – a sanctuary – the eye in the hurricane –

It is a lighthouse – guiding me to safety

It is quiet – and warm – and soft – and safe.

It is blue and white and green and red…yellow and pink and lilac…golden and silver

It never lets me go – it holds me for dear life and it NEVER lets me go!

It is liberating – freeing

It forgives (70x7 if necessary), it forgets

It is everlasting, always and forever, unconditional, unwavering, unfailing

It looks at me and sees me as a beautiful princess bride , all dressed in white, waiting expectantly – it sees me as special, special just to him, handpicked just for him, by God – God’s plan for him – I am the one God created just for him

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