Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My times really are in His loving Hands

I awoke this morning to a new future. And, tho, it is uncertain...and tho, the enemy wants to get me tangled up in fear over HOW I going to make it financially...I KNOW that I know...GOD IS IN CONTROL. If there is one lesson He has been trying to get across to me my entire life it is simply and only that: GOD IS IN CONTROL. I have fought Him on this for most of my life. I have moments when I am victorious in my grasp of this truth...and then, in a moment I can forget it and allow a circumstance to send me plummeting into doubt, and defeat and despair. That's why is it SO important to continually be saturating our minds with the Truth of God's when those times of fear and doubt come, we can call on what we KNOW to be true and replace that stinking thinking with God's Truth.
Father God, forgive me for not ttrusting you...for not remembering all You have taught me and shown me, the times You have brought me thru the storm, thru the fire and provided and protected in ways that are nothing but miraculous. Your Word says to bind Your words on my hands and my I can I can recall at just the moment I need Your truth. We must read Your Word daily and memorize and meditate on it if we are going to be able to stand firm and fight the enemy who wants to knock us down and out. Let us always remember "greater is He that is in us, than he that in in this world!" Who's in charge? Who's got our backs? Who loves us with an unfailing, unconditional, never-ending love? Who has proven time and time again that He can handle anything this world has to give? He created it...He can surely handle it!
I can REST...I can have peace in the midst of this huge financial crisi I am going thru. I have such a calm assurance that after much prayer, I have made the right choice. Yesterday I felt like a balloon when you let the air out...I felt like I can breathe now...and I sensed God's presence and felt Him speaking to my heart..."I AM IN CONTROL, MY CHILD. Trust me, lean on me; it's all going to work together for your good."

Thank you, dear Father God...thank you that "my times are in Your hands."

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