Monday, June 09, 2008

God does answer our prayers

God answers prayer! He hears us when we call out to Him. When we petition and plead, ("the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth MUCH!") when we come before Him with praise and thanksgiving ("enter into His gates with thanksgiving in your heart and give Him praise,") How awesome that the God of the Universe listens when I cry out to Him.
 How sweet that He cares about me, is concerned with what concerns me, that He loves me like a Father loves his child. Today it STORMED here. My electricity went out for about an hour it was so bad. As I sat and watched the rain and lightning and heard the powerful thunder, I felt, God is moving..He is speaking...He is answering me. I could sense His presence and His power. I had been in prayer this am alot about my situation and I really knew that I knew God heard me and was answering me..and He moved in a mighty and mysterious way today in my circumstance. I have such a peace tonight...a peace I cannot explain other than I know that God heard, He answered and it is all going to be okay. And, I am not just talking about my immediate circumstance - I mean God is moving in people's lives...He is making Himself known to those who do not know Him...He is bringing the lost sheep home...He is stirring revival in all of our hearts. He is the God of forgiveness and love and compassion and mercy and justice. He is faithful and true and He keeps His promises. I am overwhelmed. I continue to pray for revival and that those I care about will meet God and know Him in a new and vital way. People, He loves you! He wants a relationship with you. He sent His Son to die so that you might have eternal life and abundant life now here and now! Most of all He wants an intimate freindship and relationship with you. How amazing is that? Just as He walked with Adam & Eve in the garden, and revealed Himself to Moses...He wants to have that kind of relationship with each of us. Amazing!
All I can say tonight is: thank you, thank you, thank you, God for loving me! And, oh, how I love You, my dear, dear Father.

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