Wednesday, December 29, 2010

White Christmas!

I have been dreaming of a white Christmas for 59 years. This year in Nashville, my dream finally came true! It was perfect.

It started snowing Christmas Eve and continued into the next couple of days. It was enough for Kate to make a snow angel...and a tiny snowman...for me to feel it hit my hear it crunch under my see it flurrying all around me.

At first it came down wet, later it came fast and sideways, then swirling all around...sometimes, tiny flakes...other times, big, fat plops of it...It coated the trees and the roofs of the houses, the streets. It made
everything look clean and pure.

I was reminded of one of my favorite songs written by one of my favorites, Stephanie Boosahda...

"Somewhere It's Snowing:"

I once read in a poem
That when snow covers the earth
That it hides the world’s scars
And gives nature new birth

And they say when a
Man turns from sin to the Lord
That forgiveness like snow
Cover him evermore

And somewhere it’s snowing
See the soft drifting down
As snowflakes surrender
To the hardening ground

Like the good grace of Jesus
That now covers our sin
In the kingdom of heaven
It’s snowing again

And its told that the angels
Lift their hearts and rejoice
When one traveler turns homeward
On his way to the Lord

If somewhere someone’s turning
And he’s giving his all
Then God’s grace
Like the snow
Is beginning to fall

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