Thursday, August 31, 2006


Continuing in Psalm 119, verse 63 spoke to my heart this am: "I am a friend to all who fear You, to all who follow your precepts."
How important to have godly friends who share your faith. Friends that you can count on to always point you to God's truth, even when it might be a difficult thing to do. I am so thankful for my friends who hold me accountable, pray for me, correct me, sit with me through hard times, laugh with me, cry with me...friends who are vulnerable and transparent...friends who would rather risk offending me than let me wander down a path that might not according to God's Word.

Proverbs tells us that "as iron sharpens iron, a friend shapens a friend." I want those kinds of friends. Friends that point me to the Lord as I point them to the Lord as we walk alongside each other on our spiritual journey. Proverbs 18:24 (The Message) says: "friends come and friends go, but there is a friend who sticks by you like family." I have been so blessed to have those kinds of a friends.
"I thank God every time I think of them! (Phil 1:3)

Ecc 4:12 (The Message) tells us: "By yourself you're unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn't easily snapped. " Wow - that's so true - I think of all the things I have been through and how friends came alongside and helped me "face the worst."

These faithful friends have had such an impact on my life spiritually and emotionally and I love each of them so much. Psalm 101:6 says "my eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in a blameless way is the one who will minister to me." My friends have truly ministered to me and I know God allowed our paths to cross so that we could walk side by side on our spiritual pilgrimage here on earth, "sharpening each other" and pointing each others towards God.

Of course. the best friend we could ask for is the Lord Jesus - truly the friend who sticks closer than a brother - who will never leave us or forsake us.

Today I am so thankful for my friends and so thankful for Jesus - that I am His friend and He is mine.

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