Sunday, August 13, 2006

I'm in love!

Wow! It has been 3 months since I last posted. I have been enjoying Kate so much - she is a gift from God to all of us - a precious little blessing. She is, of course, the cutest, smartest, most precious baby girl ever born!!!I am in love and could just look at her and hold her and kiss her 24/7. She is holding her head up so well...she tries to talk to you and makes sounds and tries to mimic you...she loves her toys and loves to look at her books...and she just put both hands on her bottle the other night!
I am loving babysitting on Monday nites when Jen and Nathan go to a group at church. And, we have started a new tradition "Lunch at Grandma's" on Sundays after church.
She is the light of our lives...and I thank God for her every day.
God is really blessing me in so many other ways. I am so thankful for His presence, His guidance, His love and His protection and provision. He is teaching me so much and I am loving HIm more and more each day.
I am thankful for my family, my friends, my health and my church.
He is leading me into some new areas, enlarging my territory, opening doors in new directions and prodding me out of my comfort zone. There are new heights He wants to take me to - and sometimes I feel like Moses saying "send Aaron," but I know if He is leading, there will be joy in the following.
I love Him so much!
God is good...all the time!

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