Saturday, August 26, 2006

I have a hope and a future

Jeremiah 29:11-14
I shared with someone this week the significance of this verse in my life and how God used it to minister hope and healing to me at a time when I thought I had no hope and no future. But God showed me He loves me - He is going to take care of me - He won't abandon me... His Word tells me He will NEVER leave me or forsake me. He has my life all planned out and those plans include the future I had always hoped for. I love the rest of the verse - He promises if I call on Him, He WILL listen to me. And if I seek Him with my WHOLE heart, He will let me find Him. I had to confess as I read this just now, I am guilty of sometimes being so distracted by people and things and activities, etc. and I pray I will never, ever put anyone or anything above my precious Jesus and I will be disciplined and seek Him above all else with my whole heart.

How awesome is He to love me so much to take the mess of my life and to restore it and give me a hope and a future. How loving and kind to give me that promise - to heal my heart a little more by showing me - I can have all that I had hoped for - even tho it seems like my dreams have been shattered - He promises to restore my hopes and my dreams - He will bring to pass that which I always had wanted in His way and in His time. When I seek Him and call on Him and listen to HIm - He WILL guide me into the perfect plan He has for my future. How awesome is that?!

I am feeling so full of joy today.

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