Friday, June 06, 2008

Only God can hold me together!

It's been a year since I blogged...I can't believe it has been that long. So much has been going on in my life in a year. I don't know where to begin. I think rather than going back and recapping, I will just start with today...and blog forward and write about this past year as it is relevant.

I have been dealing with a lot of stress lately and yesterday God gave me a song on the radio. I have been googling for a while trying to find the name of it and having no luck. But it was about what if everything I am going thru is God trying to say "I love you." I was driving down the interstate listening to this song, crying so hard I couldn't see...and when the song ended, the most incredible thing happened, definitely a God thing...I passed a billboard that said in big red letters, "Jesus loves you." Ok, is that not just like God? HOW can anyone say God does not speak to us today. Later that night, I got an email from Paige with this link : Laminin by Louie Giglio.

You have to view it. And, again it was so obvious God was speaking to me that He will hold me in His Hand and carry me all the days of my life! He is watching me! He is intimately acquainted with all I am going through! So, I sat in front of the computer crying and so in awe of a tender, loving, compassionate, caring God who knows what I going through...and that He promises He will carry me through it all, no matter how dark the night, or how much my world is spinning out of control. He knows all the circumstances of my life, how difficult the road I am on and He will hold me together!

Today in my prayer time He gave me a powerful Psalm. I am so aware of Him and His love and His faithfulness today. And, even tho, I cannot see HOW all this is going to work out...even tho Satan wants to fill me with fear and insecurity about my future...God is speaking and He is saying, "My child, I am in control. I love you. It's all going to be ok. I made you. I know the plans I have for you. And, I am going to take care of you and this circumstance. You can count on Me. I will NEVER leave you or forsake you! When this world walks out, I will walk in. When you can't see my Hand, you can trust My Heart! Be still and KNOW I am working it out all in my time."

I see that all I have been going through is to reshape and prune me. I have been resisting His work and His Word in my life, choosing my priorities and plans over His. Father God, please forgive me. I give You control. Please accomplish Your will in my life.

I love you. I praise you. I thank you...for Your love, Your provision, Your protection, Your promises.


Pat said...

Pretty amazing, I have never heard of laminin before either. Here's another great message also God Bless you Jackie, hang in there! Love ya, Patty

Pat said...

Pretty amazing, never heard of laminin before either. Here is another awesome video Hang in there Jackie & God bless you.


Paige said...

Great words of wisdom. It's refreshing to be reminded of God's faithfulness no matter what the circumstance. Sometimes just writing down all he has done reminds us of how great our God is.
Great Post. Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

I listened to "Laminin" the other night right after you sent it. I was so ready to be reminded that God is there working in our lives even when we feel so alone and to know how very much He loves us.
